Amplifying climate smart farming practices by linking farmers to eco-technologies, providing technical support, conducting farmer trainings and organising them into collectives


Sustainable Agriculture

Access to water quantity (security) and quality (safety) is the biggest challenge being faced today due to rapid modern development activities, climate change impact, and shrinking natural resources. Integrated water management approaches promote co-ordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources. Our initiatives are focused on water conservation, water augmentation, citizen-led water quality monitoring, and creation of new innovative affordable technical solutions.


Flagship Projects


The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education

The project aimed to strengthen community knowledge and adaptation by increasing their input into local research and action at the grassroots through the instrument of community radio, comprising radio programmes, radio workers, and radio partners. Through this, the project also enabled communities to share their experiences in coping with and adapting to climate change. The project utilised community radio and radio programmes to bring awareness about 'Climate Change' in selected 5 districts of Bundelkhand. The emphasis was on building capacities of the Radio Partners on ways to advocate on Climate Change issues at the community level and beyond. The project encompasses an innovative model which involves multiple connections including knowledge sharing, learning, research, and community interaction to bridge the gap between community and researchers.

Hamara Gaon

